Individual and Family Health Insurance
Since 2007, we have helped thousands of people get health insurance on or off the Covered California Exchange. It is a very personal and complicated process, but there are ways to simplify it.
How do we simplify it? That is our specialty!
Every person and family is different. We will take you through a step-by-step process to make sure you are getting the greatest value for your situation.
We will quickly assess whether you should get a plan through Covered California (to get a subsidy) or go directly to the insurance carrier.
We will also confirm that you can still see your current doctors and take your specific medications.
We want to make sure you know exactly what you are getting and there are no surprises two months later when you go to use the plan.
Open enrollment only happens once a year in the fall so it is important to make the right choice while you have the opportunity to choose.
Since 2020, it is also mandatory to have health insurance in California. If you don't have it, you will have to pay a fine.
How much do we charge for our services? That is the best part. The insurance carrier pays us on their end so there is no extra fee for our services. A true win-win.
You can also check out the insurance quotes here.